Ashtanga Yoga Cheat Sheet - The Yoga Village

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Monday, November 6, 2017

Ashtanga Yoga Cheat Sheet

This is a cheat sheet for the ashtanga practitioner and the primary series.

Opening Sequence
Standing Sequence
Primary Series
Intermediate Series
Finishing Sequence

Opening Sequence
• Samasthiti + Opening Invocation
“vande gurunam charanaravinde
sandarshita svatma sukhava bodhe
nih shreyase jangalikayamane
samsara halahala mohasantyai
abahu purusharakam
sankhachakrasi dharinam
sahasra shirsam svetam
pranamami patanjalim”
• Surya Namaskara A – Sun-Greeting/Salutation (5 times)
• Surya Namaskara B – Sun-Greeting/Salutation (5 times)

Standing Sequence

• Pada Angustha Asana – Foot Big Toe Posture
• Pada Hasta Asana – Foot Hand Posture
• Utthita Tri Kona Asana – Extended TriAngle Posture
• Parivritta Tri Kona Asana – Revolved TriAngle Posture
• Utthita Parsva Kona Asana – Extended Side Angle Posture
• Parivritta Parsva Kona Asana – Revolved Side Angle Posture
• Prasarita Pada Uttana Asana A – Spread out Feet Stretch Posture (w/ hands on the floor)
• Prasarita Pada Uttana Asana B – Spread out Feet Stretch Posture (floating)
• Prasarita Pada Uttana Asana C – Spread out Feet Stretch Posture (w/ hands tie in the back)
• Prasarita Pada Uttana Asana D – Spread out Feet Stretch Posture (grabbing big toes)
• Parsva Uttana Asana – Side Stretch Posture
• Utthita Hasta Pada Angustha Asana A – Extended Hand Big Toe Posture (grabbing big toe)
• Utthita Hasta Pada Angustha Asana B – Extended Hand Big Toe Posture (to the side)
• Utthita Hasta Pada Angustha Asana C – Extended Hand Big Toe Posture (raising both hands)
• Utthita Hasta Pada Angustha Asana D – Extended Hand Big Toe Posture (floating leg)
• Ardha Baddha Padma Uttana Asana – Half Bound Lotus Stretch Posture
• Utka Asana – Fierce/Powerful Posture
• Virabhadra Asana A – Hero/Warrior Posture (hands up)
• Virabhadra Asana B – Hero/Warrior Posture (hands horizontal)

Primary Series

• Danda Asana – Stick/Staff Posture
• Paschima Uttana Asana A – Western Stretch Posture (grabbing big toes)
• Paschima Uttana Asana B – Western Stretch Posture (grabbing side of the feet)
• Paschima Uttana Asana C – Western Stretch Posture (grabbing wrist)
[First Vinyasa]
• Purva Uttana Asana – Eastern Stretch Posture
• Ardha Baddha Padma Paschima Uttana Asana – Half Bound Lotus Western Stretch Posture
• Tri Anga Mukha Eka Pada Paschima Uttana Asana – Three Limb Face One Foot Western Stretch

Posture (folded leg)

• Janu Sirsa Asana A – Knee Head Posture
• Janu Sirsa Asana B – Knee Head Posture (heel on perineum)
• Janu Sirsa Asana C – Knee Head Posture (toes of bent leg pointing down)
• Marichi Asana A – Marichi’s Posture
• Marichi Asana B – Marichi’s Posture (with bent leg in groin)
• Marichi Asana C – Marichi’s Posture (twist)
• Marichi Asana D – Marichi’s Posture (twist with bent leg in groin)
• Nava Asana – Boat Posture
• Bhuja Pida Asana – Arm/Shoulder Pressure Posture
• Kurma Asana – Tortoise Posture
• Supta Kurma Asana – Sleeeping Tortoise Posture
• Garbha Pinda Asana – Womb Embryo Posture
• Kukkuta Asana – Cock Posture - (rocking around + lifting, 5 breaths)
• Baddha Kona Asana A – Bound Angle Posture
• Baddha Kona Asana B – Bound Angle Posture (rounding the back)
• Upavhista Kona Asana A – Seated Angle Posture (on floor + lift)
• Supta Kona Asana – Sleeping Angle Posture (upside down w/ big toes + roll up)
• Supta Pada Angustha Asana A – Sleeping Foot Big Toe Posture (lifting heart up)
• Supta Pada Angustha Asana B – Sleeping Foot Big Toe Posture (leg to the side)
• Supta Pada Angustha Asana C – Sleeping Foot Big Toe Posture (leg to head)
[First Chakra Asana – Wheel Posture]
• Ubhaya Pada Angustha Asana – Both Foot Big Toe Posture (upside down w/ legs straight + lift to boat)
• Urdhva Mukha Paschimottana Asana – Upward Face Western Stretch Posture (same, but holding side of feet)
[Lie down]
• Setu Bandha Asana – Bridge Bondage/Contraction Posture

Intermediate Series

• Pasha Asana – Noose Posture
• Krouncha Asana – Heron Posture
• Shalabha Asana A – Locust Posture (with top of hands on the floor)
• Shalabha Asana B – Locust Posture (with hands to the side)
• Bheka Asana – Frog Posture
• Dhanura Asana – Bow Posture
• Parsva Dhanura Asana – Sideways Bow Posture (once on each side)
• Ushtra Asana – Camel Posture (on knees, leaning back)
• Laghu Vajra Asana – Little Thunderbolt Posture (same, but reaching head to feet)
• Kapota Asana – Pigeon Posture (same but elbows to the floor)
• Supta Vajra Asana – Lying Down/Sleeping Thunderbolt Posture
• Baka Asana – Crane Posture
• Bharadvaja Asana – Bharadva’s Posture (twist with opposite hand under knee)
• Ardha Matsyendra Asana – Half Lord of the Fishes Posture
• Eka Pada Sirsa Asana A – One Foot/Leg Head Posture (option: lunge instead)
• Eka Pada Sirsa Asana B – One Foot/Leg Head Posture (bending forward)
• Eka Pada Sirsa Asana C – One Foot/Leg Head Posture (lifting off the floor)
• Dwi Pada Sirsa Asana A – Two Foot/Leg Head Posture
• Dwi Pada Sirsa Asana B – Two Foot/Leg Head Posture (lifting off the floor, spreading out)
• Yoga Nidra Asana – Yogi Sleep Posture
• Tittibha Asana A – Insect Posture (legs out, on hands)
• Tittibha Asana B – Insect Posture (standing, hands behind the heels)
• Tittibha Asana C – Insect Posture (walking)
• Tittibha Asana D – Insect Posture (hands touching back of the head)
• Pincha Mayura Asana – Feather Peacock Posture (inversion on forearms)
• Karandava Asana – Duck Posture (knees on armpit, balance on forearms)
• Vrishchika Asana – Scorpion Posture
• Mayura Asana – Peacock Posture (floating horizontally on forearms)
• Nakra Asana – Crocodile Posture

• Vatayana Asana – Horse Posture
• Parigha Asana – Cross Beam of a Gate Posture (twisting and grabbing foot)
• Gomukha Asana A – Cow Face Posture (hands on knees)
• Gomukha Asana B – Cow Face Posture (hands behind back)
• Supta Urdhva Pada Vajra Asana – Sleeping Raised Foot Thunderbolt Posture
• Baddha Hasta Sirsa Asana A – Bound Hands Head Posture (hands behind head)
• Baddha Hasta Sirsa Asana B – Bound Hands Head Posture (elbows in front)
• Baddha Hasta Sirsa Asana C – Bound Hands Head Posture (hands on the floor)
• Baddha Hasta Sirsa Asana D – Bound Hands Head Posture (hands behind neck)
• Mukta Hasta Sirsa Asana A – Free Hands Head Posture (hands in T)
• Mukta Hasta Sirsa Asana B – Free Hands Head Posture (extended on back of the hands)
• Mukta Hasta Sirsa Asana C – Free Hands Head Posture (extended to the side)

[Finishing Sequence]
• Urdhva Dhanura Asana – Upward Bow Posture (inverted backbend)
• Paschima Uttana A – Western Stretch Posture
• Salamba Sarva Anga Asana – Whole Body Supported Posture (shoulder stand)
• Hala Asana – Plow Posture (toes touching the floor behind)
• Karna Pida Asana – Ear Pressure Posture
• Urdhva Padma Asana – Upward Lotus Posture (hands supporting knees)
• Pinda Asana – Embryo Posture
[Bring legs to the floor slowly]
• Matsya Asana – Fish Posture
• Uttana Pada Asana – Extended Leg Posture
• Sirsa Asana A – Head Posture
• Sirsa Asana B – Head Posture (legs at 90 degrees)
• Baddha Padma Asana – Bound Lotus Posture
• Padma Asana – Lotus Posture (pranayama, 10 long breaths)
• Tola Asana – Scale Posture (lofting off the floor)
[Closing Invocation]
svasti prajabyah paripalayantam
nyayena margena mahim mahishah
gobrahmanebyah shubamashtu nityam
lokasamasta sukhinobavantu
• Savasana – Corpse Posture

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