Ashtanga yoga poses guide - The Yoga Village

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Sunday, November 12, 2017

Ashtanga yoga poses guide

The Sun Salutations- Ashtanga yoga poses guide

Wake up and start your morning with reverence for the sun, receive energy from it with Surya Namaskar(Sun Salutation) –the Ashtanga yoga poses guide and is more interesting to your new day.
This article will show up to you an easiest how to practice Sun Salutation –Ashtanga yoga poses sequence.

This is a very good general warm-up exercise, consisting of 12 different postures related to the spine. The sun sends the vertebrae up to the spine, and also gives flexibility, flexibility to the limbs.
Sun Salutation- Ashtanga yoga poses guide bring the great benefits for everyone, especially for beginners, the elderly and people with stiff muscles, because it helps to achieve great agility while being harmonic breathing and concentrating the mind.

In fact, Sun Salutation is not asana pose, but it’s a continuous chain of movements, rhythmic, with the same breath. Once you learn the poses of the sun, mix the movements with the breathing rhythm. Remember that the starting and ending positions are the same. Sun Salutation helps stretch the body initially to prepare for the correct asana posture.

Hundreds of muscles are used. Sun Salutation helps regulate breathing and concentration. It also recharges energy to the temporal plexus and stimulates the cardiovascular system. This should be repeated 6 to 12 times. Traditionally, those movements are usually performed early in the morning, facing the sun.

Starting position: you stand up straight, keeping your head and body straight but loose. Feet are subjected to the weight of the body, centered on the tip of the foot. The knees are straight and the arms are hanging down the sides of the body. Take a deep breath and start...

Step 1: Exhale; put your hands in the middle of the chest, palms together. Elbow outward. Knees straight but loose; keep your head straight. This position is also known as Prayer posture, a posture for strong physical concentration, spiritual mind.

Step 2: Inhale and raise your arms over your head; Curve up to the back. Knees and elbows straight. Your arms are along the ears. The hips bend forward.

Step 3: Exhale as you bend your body forward, hands to the floor, placed next to the foot. If you have not placed your hand on the floor with your knee straight, you may have slightly bent your knees. Make sure your fingers and toes are aligned, and your head is facing your knees. Your hands stretched as close to the floor as possible.

Step 4: Do not move your hands, inhale and stretch your right leg back as far as possible. Lower your knee to the ground. Head up. The hands remained on the floor, next to the feet, fingers, and toes still in line.

Note: The right leg and the left foot rotate to the back following the alternate solar movements.

Step 5: When holding the breath (holding the breath), put the left leg back. The body is held straight from the head to the heel (commonly known as the push position, "push the ground"). Do not raise your butt. Do not lower your head- Ashtanga yoga poses guide.

Step 6: Exhale, lower your knees straight down the floor. Keep the hips above. Do not put the body back, lower chest to the floor, between the hands. Bring your forehead to the floor.

Note: Beginners may place their chin on the floor if they cannot lower their forehead. Knees, chin and forehead are on the floor; hips on top

Step 7: Inhale, while you stretch your body forward until your hips are on the floor. Breast up and put your head back (Cobra). The legs and hips are on the floor. Do not move your hands when you are in this position. The elbow flexes lightly and does not stretch in the shoulder.

Step 8: Exhale; plug your toes down. Do not move your hands or feet; put the hips as high as possible. Push the heel to the floor. The hand rests on the floor. Head between the arms; look at the foot. This is also known as the "reverse V" posture.

Step 9: inhale; bring your right foot forward between your hands so that your fingers and toes are in the same row. Lower your left knee to the floor and head up - similar to step 4. Note: The left and right legs will rotate forward in accordance with the Sun Salutations movement- Ashtanga yoga poses guide.

Step 10: Inhale when you put your hands up and back (like the second movement).

Step 11: Breathe out when you put your arms out first and lower, let loose on both sides, back to the starting position.

Relax and take a deep breath, ready to start any of you...

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